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Digital Maturity report

This report will show you where you are weakest and strongest, and what to do to get to the next level.

In partnership with
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February 2022
Your Digital Maturity level is


Next level: Multi-moment

Your overall digital maturity


Connected (2-3)

This is the 3rd of the 4 levels of maturity. Your data is integrated and activated across channels with a demonstrated link to ROI or sales proxies.

Maturity Benchmark

Your company Notis/us has a rating of 2.7 which is a maturity level of Connected .

The industry average is 1.6 which is a maturity level of Emerging . not available yet.

The industry best is 4 which is a maturity level of Multi-moment . not available yet.

Six dimensions of digital marketing maturity

Together with BCG, we identified the key dimensions that drive data-driven marketing maturity. Click the icons below to see how you perform in each.

Analytics and measurement

Analytics and measurement

Great attribution means accurately measuring and ascribing value to all consumer touch-points, so you make informed investment decisions and create even better, even more impactful experiences.
in this dimension
You use a variety of measurement methodologies as well as non-last-click attribution models. Results from regular A/B testing are used to inform campaign planning. Evaluation of your marketing activities tends to be based on conversion metrics.

Maturity Benchmark

Your company Notis/us has a rating of 1.9 which is a maturity level of Emerging .

The industry average is 1.4 which is a maturity level of Emerging . not available yet.

The industry best is 4 which is a maturity level of Multi-moment . not available yet.

Analytics and measurement logo

You could be Connected

Here's how you get there:

  • Measure the true value of your marketing activities

    Move to an attribution model that fits your particular business. Use metrics that show value beyond revenue, for example, incremental revenue or profit.

  • Capture marketing performance data comprehensively

    Create a single source of truth for marketing performance and establish a shared understanding of success metrics - across all device types and across all digital touchpoints.

  • Expand your measurement capabilities

    Add measurement methodologies to your suite of capabilities to optimise creative impact or the performance of individual channels. Increase the frequency of running tests and use the data to optimise campaigns.

  • Build your teams’ skills in web analytics

    Ask relevant people to take the beginner and advanced courses of the Analytics Academy.

    Analytics Academy

Assets and ads

Assets and ads

Reaching consumers is not enough. They demand assistive experiences - fast, frictionless and tailored to their specific needs. You need to deliver intuitive and effective experiences across all brand digital touchpoints, including your website, your app, ads and branded content.
in this dimension
You are using advanced methods of user experience optimisation and personalisation of your website or app. Teams collaborate to build creatives, coordinated across digital channels. You are using several testing methodologies to improve creative effectiveness. Your messages are tailored to a variety of segments of your audience.

Maturity Benchmark

Your company Notis/us has a rating of 2.8 which is a maturity level of Connected .

The industry average is 1.6 which is a maturity level of Emerging . not available yet.

The industry best is 4 which is a maturity level of Multi-moment . not available yet.

Assets and ads logo

You could be Multi-moment

Here's how you get there:

  • Improve the relevance of your ads for different types of users

    Use additional data signals such as time of day or user location in your audience segmentation to create ads that are even more relevant.

  • Tailor the user experience of your assets

    Expand tailoring your website to include data signals from internal systems like your CRM or loyalty programme.

  • Maximise the impact of your creative tests

    Share the results of your tests widely, for example with non-digital teams. Establish a feedback loop so all teams can learn from each other.

  • Improve the speed of your mobile assets

    Take the mobile speed test and get recommendations to implement right away.

    Mobile speed test
  • Remove friction from the entire user experience

    Consider these best practices and implement those where you still have gaps. Use current mobile techniques such as progressive web apps or single sign-on. Create links between your mobile assets and non-digital touchpoints, like stores or call centres.

    Mobile UX best practices
  • Improve collaboration of teams that are responsible for creatives

    Enable media and creative teams to work hand-in-hand and to use collaborative tools. Establish connections between digital and non-digital teams.



Once you are able to identify your audiences, you have to efficiently reach them and deliver your marketing messages across all inventory types and channels with the right levels of control.
in this dimension
Your keyword lists extend well beyond product-related terms and most of your digital media buys are auction-based and direct buys across a variety of inventory sources and formats. You invest resources in systems to ensure brand safety and ad viewability and to prevent ad fraud.

Maturity Benchmark

Your company Notis/us has a rating of 2.4 which is a maturity level of Connected .

The industry average is 1.6 which is a maturity level of Emerging . not available yet.

The industry best is 4 which is a maturity level of Multi-moment . not available yet.

Access logo

You could be Multi-moment

Here's how you get there:

  • Extend your reach and optimise performance

    In addition to your extensive keyword list, use automated features that capture unpredictable demand, for example, search queries generated by current events. Increase the percentage of video and display media you buy programmatically and consider additional deal types such as preferred or guaranteed. Consider buying some of your non-digital media programmatically.

  • Ensure quality control

    Monitor brand safety, viewability, ad quality and keyword performance in your campaigns. Feed the results directly into your algorithms that optimise bidding, your media buys and your budget allocation. Actively engage with ecosystem partners to prevent future issues.

  • Increase the variety of ad formats

    Use digital TV and digital out-of-home formats.



To reach consumers whenever they need you, you have to organise all data sources to identify, understand and influence the most valuable audiences throughout the sales funnel.
in this dimension
You use 3rd party and 1st party data to target your campaigns, covering the full marketing funnel. You have started to use insights captured in one channel in another channel. You have segmented your audience based on behavioural and interest data.

Maturity Benchmark

Your company Notis/us has a rating of 2.8 which is a maturity level of Connected .

The industry average is 1.7 which is a maturity level of Emerging . not available yet.

The industry best is 4 which is a maturity level of Multi-moment . not available yet.

Audience logo

You could be Multi-moment

Here's how you get there:

  • Use more signals to reach your audience

    In addition to 3rd party data, use 1st party data across different digital and non-digital channels to build meaningful audience segments. Update these segments automatically, based on a set of rules that you actively maintain.

  • Leverage insights from the entire company

    Share insights you gain in 1 channel, for example linear TV, to improve how you reach your audience in another channel, for example online video. Consider feeding in other types of data, for example, sales data.

  • Enhance segmentation capabilities

    Extend your proficiency in using tools that allow you to capture and analyse user insights, for example a CRM system or Data Management Platform. Connect tools with each other. Leverage machine learning technology improve your audience segmentation.



Tailored experiences typically require your marketing to use multiple data points, including your users’ context, the time of day or the device they’re using. Automation can help you to achieve relevance for users at scale. It enables you to optimise the execution of marketing operations, driving advertising effectiveness, profitability and growth.
in this dimension
Leveraging a variety of data signals, you make use of automation features for planning, creating, monitoring and optimising most or all of your campaigns. This may include the usage of ad servers, platform APIs and dynamic data feeds.

Maturity Benchmark

Your company Notis/us has a rating of 3.8 which is a maturity level of Multi-moment .

The industry average is 1.4 which is a maturity level of Emerging . not available yet.

The industry best is 4 which is a maturity level of Multi-moment . not available yet.

Automation logo

Congratulations, you're in the top group for data maturity

Here's how to get even better:

  • Stay on top of new technology

    Stay close to new platform features that make setting up and managing campaigns more efficient, for example, start buying media on new channels or platforms to go through your Demand Side Platform (DSP) as soon as it’s feasible. Leverage new features of platform APIs to automate more tasks in campaign setup, maintenance, reporting and optimisation.

  • Automate high volume tasks

    Actively look for repetitive tasks that could be automated and identify tasks that are already automated but may benefit from more data inputs, for example, if your bids are already being set automatically, integrate additional relevant data signals as they become available.

  • Automate assets that have many variables

    Pay attention to new data signals that may help to improve the algorithms in your creative optimisation technology. Aim for a high percentage of automated creative optimisation.



Every marketing decision has goes through a process, is influenced by the way you work across teams and partners, and depends on support by people with specialised skills. So having an advanced data strategy, the right tech platforms and creative ideas only gets you so far: your organisation has to be set up to enable the right decisions to be made and executed.
in this dimension
You have cross-functional teams with common objectives across all digital channels. Most or all agency partners collaborate with each other.

Maturity Benchmark

Your company Notis/us has a rating of 2.4 which is a maturity level of Connected .

The industry average is 1.8 which is a maturity level of Emerging . not available yet.

The industry best is 4 which is a maturity level of Multi-moment . not available yet.

Organisation logo

You could be Multi-moment

Here's how you get there:

  • Expand specialist resources

    Increase the number of specialists for specific digital marketing channels, for data science and measurement technologies.

  • Increase coordination and collaboration

    Investigate if data-driven marketing could be sponsored by a more senior person, for example by the CEO. Coordinate and agree on marketing objectives across digital and non-digital channels. Link your marketing objectives to business results. Improve processes that enable day-to-day collaboration across teams, functions and between your organisation and all relevant ecosystem partners.

  • Improve partner management and ways of working

    Improve collaboration between all relevant agencies and from virtual campaign teams. Increase your ability to work in agile ways, for example, devote more budget to running experiments and refine processes around best practice sharing across functions, brands, departments and regions.


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